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Teilnahmebedingungen für Facebook - Gewinnspiele IFacebook competitions

Offizielle Regeln für das Gewinnspiel (Give Away) der Jedida The Art of Sark Facebook Seite

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1) Teilnahmeberechtigung:

Diese Kampagne steht allen Personen offen. Die Kampagne ist nichtig, wo sie gesetzlich verboten ist. Die Kampagne unterliegt allen geltenden Bundes-, Landes- und lokalen Gesetzen und Vorschriften. Ungültig, wo verboten.

2) Zustimmung zu den Regeln:

Mit der Teilnahme erklärt sich der Teilnehmer damit einverstanden, dass er an diese Regeln vollständig und bedingungslos gebunden ist, und erklärt und garantiert, dass er die Teilnahmebedingungen erfüllt. Darüber hinaus erklären der Teilnehmer sich damit einverstanden, die Entscheidungen von Jedida The Art of Sark in Bezug auf den Inhalt dieser Kampagne als endgültig und bindend zu akzeptieren.

3) Kampagnenzeitraum:

Online-Einträge werden ab dem ersten Tag eines jeden Monats bis zum letzten Sonntag eines jeden Monats um 18:00 Uhr EST angenommen. Alle Online-Einträge müssen bis zum letzten Sonntag eines jeden Monats um 18:00 Uhr EST eingehen.

Du nimmst an der monatlichen Verlosung teil, indem du einfach den monatlichen Verlosungsbeitrag  kommentierst.

5) Preise:

Der/die Gewinner der Kampagne (der "Gewinner") erhält/erhalten ein Produkt vom Webstore Jedida The Art of Sark ( Im Wert von ca 30-50 €) Der tatsächliche Wert kann zum Zeitpunkt der Preisverleihung abweichen. Die Einzelheiten des Preises werden ausschließlich von Jedida The Art of Sark . festgelegt. Bargeld oder ein anderer Ersatz für den Preis ist nicht zulässig. Der Preis ist nicht übertragbar. Der Gewinner trägt die alleinige Verantwortung für alle mit dem Preis verbundenen Kosten, einschließlich und ohne Einschränkung aller Bundes-, Landes- und/oder lokalen Steuern. Ein Ersatz des Preises oder eine Übertragung/Abtretung des Preises an andere oder die Forderung nach dem Gegenwert in bar durch den Gewinner ist nicht gestattet. Die Annahme des Preises stellt die Erlaubnis für Jedida The Art of Sark dar, den Namen, das Bild und die Einsendung des Gewinners für Werbe- und Handelszwecke ohne weitere Vergütung zu verwenden, sofern dies nicht gesetzlich verboten ist.

6) Gewinnchancen:

Die Gewinnchancen hängen von der Anzahl der eingegangenen teilnahmeberechtigten Beiträge ab.

7) Auswahl und Benachrichtigung des Gewinners:

Der Gewinner wird durch eine Zufallsziehung unter der Aufsicht von Jedida The Art of Sark ausgewählt. Der Gewinner wird per Facebook Messenger innerhalb von fünf (5) Tagen nach der Auswahl des Gewinners benachrichtigt. Jedida The Art of Sark
übernimmt keine Haftung für den Fall, dass der Gewinner aufgrund von Spam, Junk-E-Mail oder anderen Sicherheitseinstellungen keine Benachrichtigung erhält oder dass der Gewinner falsche oder anderweitig nicht funktionierende Kontaktinformationen angegeben hat. Die Gewinner werden in diesem Kommentar aufgefordert, ihre Adresse für den Gewinnversand per Facebook Messanger zur Verfügung zu stellen. (Bei Versand in nicht EU Ländern auch die E-Mailadresse für das Zollformular).Die Bekanntgabe des Gweinners erfolgt ohne Gewähr. Jedida The Art of sark ist berechtigt, die persönlichen Daten an Dritte zu übermitteln, um die Auslieferung des Gewinnes zu übermitteln.Pro Teilnehmer ist nur ein Gewinn möglich.Jedid The Art of sark wird mit Aushändigung des Gewinnes von allen Verpflichtungen frei.Für rechts und Sachmängel haftet Jedida The Art of sark nur bei Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigleit. Wenn der Gewinner nicht kontaktiert werden kann, nicht teilnahmeberechtigt ist, den Preis nicht innerhalb von 2 Tagen nach dem Versand der Preisbenachrichtigung beansprucht ,kann der Preis verfallen und ein anderer Gewinner ausgewählt werden. Der Erhalt des in dieser Kampagne angebotenen Preises durch den Gewinner ist an die Einhaltung aller bundes-, landes- und ortsüblichen Gesetze und Vorschriften geknüpft. JEGLICHE VERSTÖSSE GEGEN DIESE OFFIZIELLEN REGELN DURCH DEN GEWINNER (NACH EINEM EINZIGEN ERMESSEN von Jedida The Art of Sark.) HABEN DEN AUSSCHLUSS DES GEWINNERS ALS GEWINNER DER KAMPAGNE ZUR Folge, UND ALLE VORTEILE ALS GEWINNER WERDEN UNMITTELBAR BEENDET.


Beginn des Gewinnspieles sowie Teilnahmeschluss werden im Gewinnspielvideo bekanntgegeben. VerspäteteTeilnahmen können nicht berücksichtig werden.

8.) Jedida The Art of Sark behält sich vor, dass Gewinnspiel zu jedem Zeitpunkt ohne Ankündigung abzubrechen oder zu beenden. Von dieser Möglichkeit macht Jedida The Art of Sark insbrsondere gebrauch, wenn aus technischen Gründen ( z. b Viren im Computersystem..) oder aus rechtliche Gründen eine ordnungsmäßige Durchführung des Gewinnspiels nicht gewährleistet werden kann. Sofern eine derartige Beendigung durch das Verhalten eines Teilnehmers verursacht wurde, so kann Jedida The Art of Sark von dieser Person Ersatz verlangen.

Diese Teilnahmebedingungen und die gesamte Rechtsbeziehung zwischen den Teilnehmer und Jedida The Art of Sark unterliegen ausschließlich dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Österreich. Sollten einzelne Bestimmunen der Teilnahmebedingungen ungültig sein oder werden, bleibt die Gültigkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen unberührt. Lückenhafte oder unwirksame Bestimmungen sind so zu ergänzen oder zu ersetzen, dass eine andere angemessene Regelung gefunden wird, die wirtschaftlich dem am nächsten kommt, was Sinn und Zweck der unwirksamen oder lückenhaftenBestimmungen enspricht. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen,

DAS GEWINNSPIEL STEHT IN KEINER VERBINDUNG ZU FACEBOOK; UND WIRD IN KEINER WEISE VON FACEBOOK UNTERSTÜTZT; BEGLEITET ODER KONTROLLIERT. Der Empfänger der bereitgestellten Information ist nicht Facebook, sondern Jedida The Art of Sark. Sämtlche Fragen, Kommentare oder Beschwerden sind somit nicht an Facebook sondern an Jedida The Art of Sark zu richten.Es entstehen durch die Teilnahme keinerlei Ansprüche gegenüber Facebook.

Das Impressum des Gewinnspielveranstalters ist über abrufbarDie Teilnahmebedingungen wurden mit erstellt.

Conditions of participation for Facebook competitions

Jedida The Art of Sark Facebook Page Giveaway Official Rules

1) Eligibility:

This campaign is open to everyone. The Campaign is void where prohibited by law. The Campaign is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

2) Acceptance of the Rules:

By participating, the entrant agrees to be bound by these Rules fully and unconditionally and represents and warrants that they comply with the Terms and Conditions. In addition, participants agree to accept as final and binding the decisions of Jedida The Art of Sark regarding the content of this Campaign.

3) Campaign Period:

Online entries will be accepted from the first day of each month to the last Sunday of each month at 6:00pm EST. All online entries must be received by the last Sunday of each month at 6:00pm EST. Entry You enter the monthly raffle simply by commenting on the monthly raffle entry
. 5) Prices:

The winner(s) of the Campaign (the "Winner") will receive a product from the webstore Jedida The Art of Sark (worth approximately €30-50) Actual value may vary at the time of award. The details of the prize are exclusively provided by Jedida The Art of Sark. fixed. Cash or any other substitute for the prize is not acceptable. The prize is not transferable. Winner is solely responsible for all costs associated with the prize, including without limitation any federal, state and/or local taxes. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or claim for cash equivalent by winner is permitted. Acceptance of the award constitutes permission for Jedida The Art of Sark to use the name,

6) Odds of Winning:

Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

7) Winner Selection and Notification:

The winner will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of Jedida The Art of Sark. The winner will be notified via Facebook Messenger within five (5) days of the winner being selected. Jedida The Art of Sark
accepts no liability in the event that the winner does not receive notification due to spam, junk email or other security settings, or in the event that the winner has provided incorrect or otherwise non-functional contact information. In this comment, the winners will be asked to provide their address for sending the prize via Facebook Messenger. (For shipping to non-EU countries, also the e-mail address for the customs form). The announcement of the winner is made without guarantee. Jedida The Art of sark is entitled to transmit personal data to third parties in order to forward the delivery of the prize. Only one prize is possible per participant. Jedid The Art of sark is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize. Jedida The Art of Sark is only liable for legal and material defects in the event of intent or gross negligence. If the winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible to enter, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. is ineligible, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. is ineligible, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE.


The start of the competition and the closing date for participation will be announced in the competition video. Late participation cannot be considered.

8.) Jedida The Art of Sark reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without notice. Jedida The Art of Sark makes use of this option in particular if, for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system...) or for legal reasons, the proper execution of the competition cannot be guaranteed. If such termination was caused by the conduct of a participant, Jedida The Art of Sark may seek compensation from that person.

These conditions of participation and the entire legal relationship between the participant and Jedida The Art of Sark are exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Austria. Should individual provisions of the Conditions of Participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. Incomplete or ineffective provisions are to be supplemented or replaced in such a way that another appropriate regulation is found that comes as close as possible economically to what corresponds to the meaning and purpose of the ineffective or incomplete provisions. The legal process is excluded

THE CONTEST IS NOT CONNECTED TO FACEBOOK; AND IS NOT ENDORSED BY FACEBOOK IN ANY WAY; ACCOMPANIED OR CONTROLLED. The recipient of the information provided is not Facebook but Jedida The Art of Sark. All questions, comments or complaints should therefore not be directed to Facebook but to Jedida The Art of Sark. Participation does not create any claims against Facebook.

The imprint of the competition organizer can be accessed via conditions of participation were created with

Conditions of participation for Facebook competitions

Jedida The Art of Sark Facebook Page Giveaway Official Rules

1) Eligibility:

This campaign is open to everyone. The Campaign is void where prohibited by law. The Campaign is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited.

2) Acceptance of the Rules:

By participating, the entrant agrees to be bound by these Rules fully and unconditionally and represents and warrants that they comply with the Terms and Conditions. In addition, participants agree to accept as final and binding the decisions of Jedida The Art of Sark regarding the content of this Campaign.

3) Campaign Period:

Online entries will be accepted from the first day of each month to the last Sunday of each month at 6:00pm EST. All online entries must be received by the last Sunday of each month at 6:00pm EST. Entry You enter the monthly raffle simply by commenting on the monthly raffle entry
. 5) Prices:

The winner(s) of the Campaign (the "Winner") will receive a product from the webstore Jedida The Art of Sark (worth approximately €30-50) Actual value may vary at the time of award. The details of the prize are exclusively provided by Jedida The Art of Sark. fixed. Cash or any other substitute for the prize is not acceptable. The prize is not transferable. Winner is solely responsible for all costs associated with the prize, including without limitation any federal, state and/or local taxes. No substitution of prize or transfer/assignment of prize to others or claim for cash equivalent by winner is permitted. Acceptance of the award constitutes permission for Jedida The Art of Sark to use the name,

6) Odds of Winning:

Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received.

7) Winner Selection and Notification:

The winner will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of Jedida The Art of Sark. The winner will be notified via Facebook Messenger within five (5) days of the winner being selected. Jedida The Art of Sark
accepts no liability in the event that the winner does not receive notification due to spam, junk email or other security settings, or in the event that the winner has provided incorrect or otherwise non-functional contact information. In this comment, the winners will be asked to provide their address for sending the prize via Facebook Messenger. (For shipping to non-EU countries, also the e-mail address for the customs form). The announcement of the winner is made without guarantee. Jedida The Art of sark is entitled to transmit personal data to third parties in order to forward the delivery of the prize. Only one prize is possible per participant. Jedid The Art of sark is released from all obligations upon delivery of the prize. Jedida The Art of Sark is only liable for legal and material defects in the event of intent or gross negligence. If the winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible to enter, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. is ineligible, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. is ineligible, does not claim the prize within 2 days of prize notification being sent, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE. Winner's receipt of the prize offered in this Campaign is subject to compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES BY WINNER (AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF Jedida The Art of Sark.) WILL RESULT IN DISCLAIMER OF WINNER AS A WINNER OF THE CAMPAIGN AND ALL WINNER BENEFITS WILL IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE.


The start of the competition and the closing date for participation will be announced in the competition video. Late participation cannot be considered.

8.) Jedida The Art of Sark reserves the right to cancel or terminate the competition at any time without notice. Jedida The Art of Sark makes use of this option in particular if, for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system...) or for legal reasons, the proper execution of the competition cannot be guaranteed. If such termination was caused by the conduct of a participant, Jedida The Art of Sark may seek compensation from that person.

These conditions of participation and the entire legal relationship between the participant and Jedida The Art of Sark are exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Austria. Should individual provisions of the Conditions of Participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. Incomplete or ineffective provisions are to be supplemented or replaced in such a way that another appropriate regulation is found that comes as close as possible economically to what corresponds to the meaning and purpose of the ineffective or incomplete provisions. The legal process is excluded

THE CONTEST IS NOT CONNECTED TO FACEBOOK; AND IS NOT ENDORSED BY FACEBOOK IN ANY WAY; ACCOMPANIED OR CONTROLLED. The recipient of the information provided is not Facebook but Jedida The Art of Sark. All questions, comments or complaints should therefore not be directed to Facebook but to Jedida The Art of Sark. Participation does not create any claims against Facebook.

The imprint of the competition organizer can be accessed via conditions of participation were created with